'Get RIPPED Quick' Exercise List
Exercise 1 - Front-Lat-Squat: Holding a dumbbell in each, raise both hand up to chest level out in front. Move hands outwards until parallel with shoulders. Lower into squatted position, keeping back straight. Rise into standing position, keeping back straight. Lower arms until down by sides. Relax
Exercise 2 - The Slow Spin: Raise arms above head forming a sort of 'V'. Begin to spin slowly in the direction of your choice. After 1 minute, repeat the exercise in the opposite direction to avoid dizziness.
Exercise 3 - Skippy: Find or purchase a rope of suitable length, factoring in height of hair. Hold one end of aforementioned rope in each hand and swing around body, jumping at the correct time in order to avoid sore ankles.
Exercise 4 - Bent over arm flail: Lean forward by an angle of around 60degrees (Pi/3 radians), with a dumbbell in each hand. 'Fling' one hand backwards until it is behind your head an hold. Repeat with the other arm. Lower each arm, one at a time until in the original position.
Be prepared to deal with the following from friends, family and strangers:
- 'Wow! Have you been working out?' *Squeezes biceps*
- 'Buddy, you have to tell me your secret'
- 'Look, in all seriousness, have you been taking something Lance Armstrong stylee?'
To which you should always answer with:
- 'Yes. Squeeze me in other places.'
- 'No' Then run away. They will not catch you if you have been following this routine correctly
- 'I have not. I have simply been taking the necessary steps to improve myself physically and mentally and have been doing this clean'
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