Wednesday 20 March 2013

What would Jesus think of Pair Force One?

Here at PFOHQ (Pair Force One HQ (Headquarters)) we feel a real affinity with the J-man. He was a pretty special guy, as are we. What we would really like to know is - what would Jesus think of PFO and in particular, its flagship crew - the Men's 1st Pair?

Recently, the MFP (Men's 1st Pair) have been dedicating 5% of training towards prayer in order to boost our performance, yet the changes to erg times have been minimal at best. This has lead PFO's Spirituality Officer (previously PFO Chaplain) George Durham to cancel our contract with Christianity.

PFO are now looking for a new official religious sponsor for the Men's 1st Pair. I know this won't be easy but Sikh and we will find.

PFO out.

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