Monday 25 March 2013

When PFO are not rowing, how do they keep busy?

Recently, many of you have been asking how PFO Men's 1st Pair keep themselves busy when they are not rowing. Ordinarily, this question would be ridiculous as we are never 'not rowing'. However, over the Easter vacation we find ourselves unable to partake in our favourite pastime/future profession. Below is a summary of what each crew member likes to get up to:

Stroke (George Durham):

  • Sitting quietly and reflecting.
  • Thinking of ways to improve rowing technique.
  • Furiously knitting.
  • Eating various household items and noting the effects (e.g. 21/02/13 - DVD Player: broken teeth, intense abdominal pain)
Bow (Mike Yorke):
  • Talking to friends on anonymous online chatrooms.
  • Helping elderly women with their shopping.
  • Drawing pictures of things.
  • Writing his biography of the Sunderland striker Danny Graham.
Coach (Joel Holford):
  • Frequenting local carparks to catch up with friends.
  • Visiting outdoor shops and sitting in their display tents until asked to leave.
  • Practicing impressions in preparation for his upcoming one man show 'Joel Holford: Man of a Thousand Voices'.
  • Doing crunches (up to 35 per day).

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